is from Bratislava
(SK). This self-taught person creates costumes for group Draco Flameus for 4 years. Webpage with her other creations is
Dress from Moravia Magna
of middle class
woman from 9th century |
Cloak from Moravia Magna
which can be worn
by women in 9th century. |
Clothing form Moravia Magna
of middle class
man from 9th century |
Cloak from Moravia Magna
probably worn by
men in 9th century |
the latest
versions of Slavic dresses (9th century). |
Children's Slavic clothing
We have used
linen, hemp, wool, pelt. |
Viking clothing
The dress made of
an old synthetic textile. Ca 10th century. |
Woman's Anglo-Saxon dress
is an example of
the most likely look of dress of the lower middle-class, 10 - 11th
century |
Man's Anglo-Saxon clothing
the most likely
look of dress of the lower middle-class, 10 - 11th century |
Turn shoes
and needle-bound
socks, 10 - 11th century |