handy Czech seamstress which love creation of costume and hand sewing.
Her nice blue webpage you can find
Craftsman costume
second half of
13th century made of linen and wool
Green cotte
made of silk
decorated by silk brocade with pearls (1300-1330).
German Lady's costume
according to
the illumination in the Codex Manesse (1300-1320).
German Lady's cloak
according to
the illumination in the Codex Manesse (1300-1320).
Garde corps
Dark blue woolen
garde-corps inspired by illuminations in Codex Manesse
Lady's red cottehardie
red duvetyn
cotehardie based on period pattern, ca 1350
French lady's costume
designed according to illuminations in the manuscript " A romance
of Alexander" ( Flames, 1344)
Court cotehardie
with tippets
according to French fashion (ca 1350-1360) made of heavy brocade
a artificial silk.
Heraldic surcotte
The coat of arm
belongs to an old Bohemian house Pani z Lipe (Lords of Lipe) ca
Golden surcotte
brocade dress. 14th century