turn of 16th
century, located in Museo del Disseny, Barcelona.
turn of 16th
century, located in Instituto Valencia de Don Juan, Madrid.
Statue with
verdugado, turn of 16th century. Museo Etnografico de Castila y
Leon, Zamora.
Turn of 16th
century. Suede leather lined with taffeta
and embroidered; padded, Museum Stibbert, Florence.
Italian dress
from 1590-1610,
located in Muzeo Nazionale di Palzo Reale, Pisa.
Spanish Cape
from 1590 - 1600
in on display in Los Angeles County Museum.
Spanish Clothing
from 1590-1610
belongs to the collection of Museo Reggio Emilia, Galleria
Parmeggiani Collection.
Renaissance robe
of Dorothea von
Neuburg (1598), Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich.
of Dorothea von
Neuburg (1598), Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich.
Dress of Isabela of Valois
on the statue of
Virgin Mary from 16th century, Museo de Convento de San Clemente,
Dress of Isabela Clara Eugenie
on the statue of
Virgin Mary, 1598, Museo de Convento de San Clemente, Toledo.
made in Italy in
turn of 16 and 17th century, Metropolitan museum of Art, New York