Dress of Eleanora di Toledo
from 1562 is now
located at Galleria del Costume, Florence.
Stays of Eleanora di Toledo
from 1562 is now
located at Galleria del Costume, Florence.
Court dress of elector August
from 1566, in
collection of Historisches Museum, Dresden.
Clothing of Erik Stures
murdered in 1567
is now located in Uppsala cathedral, Sweden.
Clothing of Nil Stures
murdered in 1567
is now located in Uppsala cathedral, Sweden.
Clothing of Svante Stures
murdered in 1567
is now located in Uppsala cathedral, Sweden.
Underpants of Svante Stures
murdered in 1567
are now located in Uppsala cathedral, Sweden.
Shirt of Nil Stures
murdered in 1567
is now located in Uppsala cathedral, Sweden.
of Herzog Wilgelms
von Bayern, 1568, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich.
Fur Coat
worn by
metropolitan Philip II. in exile (1568-69), Kreml, Moskow.
Tudor Cloak
also hat and gloves
(c. 1570 - 90) located in Museum of London.
Traveling Cloak
of Stephan Praun
III (1570), Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nurmberg.