from 1315-1335 is
now in Pienza Cathedral, Italy.
Burial garment
of Italian noble
man Cagrande della Scala (1329) is now in Museo di Castel Vechio,
Dalmatic with eagles
from south Germany
(c. 1330-40) is made from crimson Chinese damask, embroidered by gold
and silver. Schatzkammer, Vienna.
1330-1350. Silk and silver-gilt thread and colored silks.
Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York.
Leather jacket
drawing of the leather jacket found at Miedzyrzeczu Wielkopolskie,
Leather jacket
drawing of the leather jacket found at Pultrusk's market (2nd half
of the 14th century).
Surcotte of Anna
burial garment of Charles VI's wife, probably of Anna (+1362), The
Prague Castle Story.
headdress belonging to a wife of Charles IV. The Prague Castle
Story, Prague.
Silk hose
from 14th century are located in Dommuseum in Sudarium aus Leinen.
of St. Birgitta
(14th century). Museum of National Antiquities, Stockholm.
belonged to
Charles de Blois. made from damask. France, 2nd half of 14th
century. Musee Historique des Tissus, Lyon
Dalmatic with pelicans
was made in Italy
(14th century) and now is in Abbeg Foundation, Riggisberg.