Tunic of Francis of Assisi
preserved in the
church of St.Francis in Cortona, Italy (1155-1225). According to
modern research it could belong to St.Francis.
of infanta Marie
(+1235) made of white silk. Probably previously lined with fur.
Museo del Traje, Madrid.
Tunic of St. Elizabeth
ca 1238, located
in Elizabenthal Kloster Tiefenthal im Rheingan, Germany.
Garment and cloak of St.Clara
dated to 13th
century is now in convent San Damiano in Assisi.
of Eleonore of
Castile, Queen of Aragon (1st half of 13th century), Museo de Telas
Medievales, Burgos.
of Eleonore of
Castile, Queen of Aragon (1st half of 13th century), Museo de Telas
Medievales, Burgos.
Hose and shoes of Rodrigo Ximenez
burial hose and
shoes of
Rodrigo Ximenez de Rada (+1247). Convent Santa Maria de Huerta,
Camisa, tunic and dalmatic
Rodrigo Ximenez de Rada (+1247). Convent Santa Maria de Huerta,
Shirt of St. Luis
from 13th century
is shown in Notre Dame Cathedral Treasury, Paris.
Chemise of Isabelle de France
sister of St.Luis
(13th century), Convent Saint-Francois, Paris.
from 13th century
is shown in Museum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna.
from 13th century
is shown in Museum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna.