Skjoldehamn tunic
bog find from
995-1029 now situated in Skjoldeham Tromso Museum,
Skjoldehamn shirt
bog find from
995-1029 now situated in Skjoldeham Tromso Museum,
Skjoldehamn trousers
bog find from
995-1029 now situated in Skjoldeham Tromso Museum,
Skjoldehamn hood
bog find from
995-1029 now situated in Skjoldeham Tromso Museum,
Mantle of Stephan
used for his
coronation ceremony in 1031, Magyar Nemzeti Museum, Budapest.
Mantle of Clement II.
of Pope who died
in 1047, Bamberg Cathedral (ca 1047).
Dalmatic of Clement II.
of Pope who died
in 1047, Bamberg Cathedral (ca 1047).
Stocking of Clement II.
short silk
stocking of Pope who died in 1047. Bamberg Cathedral.
Tunic from Kragelund
bog find dated to
1040-1155 is placed in National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Hose of Heinrich III.
silk hose of
emperor Heinrich III (+1056) located in Speyer Dom
St. Bernulf alba
who died in 1056
but garment is dated to 12th century. Rijksmuseum, Utrecht.
Imperial mantle
belonging to Otto
IV (12th century), Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Kunstmuseum des
Landes Niedersachsen.