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Basque working woman


The clothing is based on Codice de trajes (cca 1540, Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, Madrid) - f9. Similar garments can be seen in Trachtenbuchs of Christoph Weiditz (1529 and1531-32) or Kostüme der Männer und Frauen in Augsburg und Nürnberg, Deutschland, Europa, Orient und Afrika - BSB Cod.icon. 341 (Bayerische StaatBibliothek, end of 16th century) and others. The similar jacket (gonete) can be found even in Velasquez's portraits (1618).

Tailor's - Catany, Tudor Gown, part 7
Copyright Martina a Martin Hřibovi © 2006
Tailor's - Catany, Basque working woman, part 2