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Costume from Flanders


  A dress with transparent sleeves is inspired by the Lady with the Unicorn tapestry (A mon seul desir, 1484-1500, Musee Cluny, Paris). The skirt was cut according a painting of unknown master called Deposition (1470s, Wallraf-Richard Museum, Cologne). The headdress with artificial braids is constructed according the statue Vierge au calvaire (end of 15th century, Musee Cluny, Paris).

  This fashion is not typical or characteristic for standard dresses from this period. On contrary is special, probable as much as haute couture of World top level fashion designers in daily life.

  Next page shows the details.

Tailor's - Catany, Costume from Flanders, part 1
Copyright Martina a Martin Hřibovi © 2006
Tailor's - Catany, Costume from Flanders, part 3