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French Noble Garment


  The major artworks for this garment were the illuminations in manuscript Hayton , Fleur des estoires de la terre d'Orient ; Provinciale Romanae Ecclesiae, 1400 - 1410 (BNF). The headdress is inspired by an illumination Harley MS 4431, Christine de Pizan, The Book of the Queen' (French provenance, 1410 - 1414, British Library).
  The garment consists of underwear, pourpoint based on Charles de Blois’s extant piece, dark violet over-garment with large yellow sleeve (grande assiette type), woolen hoses and woolen hat with fur trimming.

Tailor's - Catany, Black houpelande, part 1
Copyright Martina a Martin Hřibovi © 2006
Tailor's - Catany, French Noble Garment, part 2