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Czech adaptation of Spanish fashion


  The clothing was inspired by depictions of noblewomen from the Žerotín Epitaph (anonymous, around 1575, Chateau Opočno). The stiffened conical underskirt according to the Spanish fashion was at that time referred as a parkykál or kortukál. The stiffened bodice part could be demandingly decorated, as evidenced by the entry from 1572 mentioning "bodice with good silver laces trimmed". The fastening could be on hooks. According to the order issued by Emperor Rudolf in 1578, "skirt with a bodice" and "skirt with a jubon" were strictly separated. Satin mantle is underlined with fur. The garment also includes lace ruff and cap.

Tailor's - Catany, Chapines and low shoes, part 4
Copyright Martina a Martin Hřibovi © 2006
Tailor's - Catany, Czech adaptation of Spanish fashion, part 2